某天看見尚未上映的電影「CAROL」(卡蘿)-又名:鹽的代價的 片段預告中












Bleachers&Sia - Like a River Runs



I woke up thinking you were still here   醒來後我想你還會在這裡
My hands shaking with regret   我顫抖著手後悔著
I've held this dream for such a long long time   我已經太久沒作這個夢了

And now I want to wake up   而現在我想要清醒
To the rhythm of a wild, to the rhythm of a wild heart   跟著狂野的旋律,跟著狂野的心
That beats, that beats like a rolling drum   心跳像是鼓在擊

I saw you standing on the corner   我看見妳就站在街角
I saw you standing on your own    我看見你一人孤獨著
And I get the feeling that it's, it's all a dream   而我終於了解這一切都是夢境

And I wanna get up   而我想要清醒
To the rhythm of a wild, to the rhythm of a wild heart   跟著狂野的旋律,跟著狂野的心
That beats, that beats like a drum   心跳像是鼓在擊

When I fall asleep I can see your face   當我沉沉睡去 我看見妳的臉
What I lost in you I will not replace   妳是無可取代的 我對妳深深著迷

And I could run away, I could let them down   我可以離開 可以將一切忘掉 

But I will remember your light   但我會永遠記得你照亮了我

Your light it follows me in darkness   你在黑暗中照亮著我
I'm trying hard but I can't win   我試著努力著戰勝它
And I've played the victim for a long long time   但我已受傷太久
And I wanna grow up   我必須成長
From the rhythm a young, from the rhythm of a younger heart   跟著年輕的旋律 跟著年輕的心
It leads just like a river runs  如潮水般洶湧

That night I sent over the parkway   在夜晚的道路上
The summer's gone and I'm alone   夏天將結束而我獨自一人
And I get the feeling that you're somewhere close   我可以感覺到你就在我身邊

And I wanna get up 而我想要清醒
To the rhythm of your wild, to the rhythm of your wild heart 跟著你狂野的節奏,跟著你心的狂野
It beats, been beating since you've gone 心跳開始跳動在你離開後

When I fall asleep I can see your face 當我沉沉睡去 我看見妳的臉
What I lost in you I will not replace 妳是無可取代的 我對妳深深著迷
And I could run away, I could let them down 我可以離開 可以將一切忘掉
But I will remember 但我會永遠記得

I will remember
I will remember
I will remember
I will remember 我都會記得 

And if you see me in the darkness 如果你在黑暗中看見我
I hope you know I'm not alone 我希望你知道我並非獨自一人
I carry you with every breath I take 你緊跟著我每一次呼吸
I won't let up, I won't let up 而我不會放棄
Until the wind is gone 直到風停止吹動




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